The North Shore Neighbourhood Plan represents a shift in a new direction of development standards and community expectations for the future of Kamloops. Directly supported by the citizens of the North Shore, the implementation methods and policies supported in this Plan are intended to not only showcase the unique qualities of the North Shore but were established to create more sustainable, environmentally and community-friendly development that speaks to the values and desires of the people who live, work and play there.
The RTE program provides the opportunity for property owners who wish to either improve existing buildings or construct new buildings within the key core areas (North Shore Town Centre, Tranquille Market Street, and the MacKenzie Triangle), to receive an exemption.

Projects that can be considered for a tax exemption (municipal portion) include:
- be a multiple-family residential development
- be an above or below ground parking structure
- be a new commercial improvement
- be a brownfield site
- be an alteration to an existing improvement that has a value of at least $100,000 or 30% of the assessed value of improvements the year before the alteration is to begin, and must include a public realm* improvement
Development Incentives
The North Shore Neighbourhood Plan identifies several types of development that could be eligible for a development incentive. The type of incentives offered can include a combination of:
- Tax Reductions
- Development Cost Charge Reductions
- Parking Requirement Relaxations
- Density Bonusing
- Public Realm Partnering
- Planning Process Priorities
These incentives are intended to provide the property developer with the financial capacity to incorporate innovative and environmentally responsible building forms and site layouts into a development by reducing upfront and long-term costs.
*Adding value to the public realm means that the project must contribute aesthetically, at a minimum, to the streetscape. Work that would be assessed as contributing to the public realm includes, but is not limited to:
- New building façade
- Public art
- Public open space (courtyards, plazas, gardens)
- Public street furniture
- Public recreational amenities
- The addition of awnings or canopies above public pedestrian walkways